Submission Guidelines

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Submission Guidelines

Authors are requested to submit the paper through Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit (CMT).

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
Paper Submission link

All presented papers will get the certification of presentation & good quality papers reviewed by springer will be published in proceeding of springer (Scopus Indexed). For detailed instructions for author and editors of conference proceedings, kindly visit the following link: (Click here). For detailed instructions for author and editors of conference proceedings, kindly visit the following link: Click here. Selected papers from the conference will be published by Springer as a proceedings book volume. Springer will conduct quality checks on the accepted papers and only papers that pass these checks will be published.

Kindly ensure that the paper is formatted as per the SPRINGER template including authors’ affiliations, figures, and references. Click Here to download the Springer Sample format.

All accepted, registered and presented papers in MAI-2024 will be published in the Springer Conference proceedings which will be indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, Google scholar.